FAQs | Vertical Ventures




Are memberships transferable?

No, you may not transfer a membership to another climber. Multi-visit passes however can be used for multiple climbers and may be used during one visit.

Can I freeze my membership?

Members may freeze their memberships for a maximum of 2 months per calendar year. All freezes begin on the 1st of the month. If you wish to freeze your membership, you must complete a change form, in advance, a minimum of 7 days BEFORE the 1st of the month. Simply visit the Membership Management page.

How do I cancel my membership?

You can cancel your membership at any time with no cancelation fees or penalties. All cancellations begin on the 1st of the month. If you wish to cancel your membership, you must complete a change form, in advance, a minimum of 7 days BEFORE the 1st of the month. Simply visit the Membership Management page.

Are there any family or discounted memberships?

Family memberships* are available for two or more family members. Visit our membership page for details.

*Payment must be drawn from a single payment source.

Discounted student memberships are available for actively enrolled students 25 years or younger with a valid student ID.

What's the youngest age kids can climb?

All ages welcome. Climbing ability depends on the individual child. Kids as young as 2 and 3 climb at VV. Typically around the age of 6 years old, kids have the appropriate attention span/focus/strength and coordination to try climbing. They are usually also tall enough to reach more of the climbing holds. This provides them with a larger variety of climbs to attempt resulting in a much more enjoyable climbing experience.

Is there a discount for large groups?

Yes, we provide discounted climbing to large groups if the group event is planned in advance. To provide the best experience we recommend you schedule your event. Learn more by visiting our Events page or contact our Event Coordinator to discuss your event plans.

How often do the routes change?

New routes go up every Monday. We have a 6-10 week full gym turnover so you can be sure to have plenty of time to work on those most challenging routes while also getting fresh new routes to send.

If I come to the gym alone, who can belay me?

If you don’t have a  partner, you can use our 8 auto belays. Anyone who is belay certified can belay you. Our members are very encouraging and friendly – ask around for a belayer! Or ask a staff member, we can recommend some members for you to climb with.

If I'm a new climber, should I rent shoes and harness or buy them?

It depends. If you think you’ll climb with any regularity, having your own climbing equipment is critical. Your own shoes and harness will be specifically sized and fitted to your body, which helps performance. If you just want to try it out a couple of times, renting is a great option to get the feel for climbing.

Do you have lockers?

We offer open-air cubbies for the convenience of our climbers. Theft is not commonplace and we do have security cameras. Your valuables are your responsibility so we recommend you leave your valuables at home.

Do you have showers?

Yes! There are showers in all 3 of our restrooms. (Mens, Women’s, and All-Genders)